Media Press Release

Pansar Heavy Equipment Celebrates Milestone with ‘500 Aspire Success’ Event

21 June 2024, Pansar Heavy Equipment successfully hosted a notable event themed “500 Aspire Success” to celebrate the sale of 500 units of JCB machinery in Sabah and Sarawak. This customer appreciation event, held at the Pacific Sutera Hotel in Kota Kinabalu, brought together around 120 valued customers from Sabah and Sarawak to mark this significant achievement. The dress code was all-white, and guests participated enthusiastically, creating a visually elegant and stunning atmosphere for the celebration.

The theme “500 Aspire Success” symbolized the collective efforts and aspirations of both Pansar Heavy Equipment and their valued customers. It reflected their journey toward achieving remarkable success together, with 500 units of JCB machinery sold as a testament to their strong partnership and shared vision for growth.

From the moment guests arrived, they were met with warm hospitality from the PHE team staff. Each guest received a goodie bag containing a JCB jacket and a LED-lit party bangle. Registration was followed by group photos taken at the scenic beach and the elegant exterior of the hall. The Pansar-JCB logo flags were also displayed around the beach, enhancing the event’s festive ambiance.

Pre-event networking took place at the Breeze Bar by the seaside. As the sun set, the fire dance began with a blast, greatly entertaining the guests. Following the fire dance, drummers and PHE staff holding JCB and Pansar flags led a convoy, guiding guests on a walk to the dinner hall. The entire experience was truly special and grand.

The formal proceedings began with speeches from Mr. David Tai, Chief Operating Officer of Pansar Company, and Mr. Shiv Ganiga, General Manager of JCB Sales Asia, who expressed their gratitude and recounted Pansar Heavy Equipment’s journey to success. Following the speeches, Ms. Rosalind Law, Regional Sales Manager cum Head of Marketing at Pansar Heavy Equipment, participated in a dialogue session with the emcee, Ms. Elaine Audrey, discussing the journey and challenges faced throughout the years. After this insightful discussion, an awards presentation honored outstanding operators for their excellence in machine maintenance, highlighting their skills and dedication. The excitement continued with a special auction featuring JCB miniature models, JCB merchandise, and photo canvases featuring award-winning ballerina Miss Mavis Lim to collect charity funds. The competitive bidding saw a few participants winning these coveted items, adding an extra thrill to the celebration.

Additionally, a “Snap Tag Win” lucky draw was held. Participants who took group photos with the JCB logo, uploaded them on social media, and tagged Pansar had the chance to win prizes. Five lucky winners were drawn in the lucky draw. A special donation was also made to the Malaysia Red Crescent Tuaran Branch and the Sabah Autism Society during the event. Pansar-JCB was honored to support their vital work and contribute to their important missions, in line with their commitment to giving back to the community.

The event concluded with a vibrant Kadazan Dusun Traditional Dance performed on the stairs. The performance showcased the region’s rich cultural heritage and added a captivating element to the evening. Participants were invited to join in, and some embraced the opportunity, adding a joyous and interactive end to the celebration. After the traditional dance, attendees took the opportunity to capture memories at the photo booth wall before leaving.

The celebration of Pansar Heavy Equipment’s 500 units sold was a resounding success, marked by heartfelt speeches, exciting activities, and a festive atmosphere. Many customers commented that it was the best event they had attended in years and they are eager to attend the next event. It was an evening of joy and togetherness, celebrating both their accomplishments and the strong relationships built with their customers. Pansar Heavy Equipment looks forward to continuing this journey and achieving even greater milestones.